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Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE), United States
CHANGE is a US-based NGO that focuses on the effects of US international policies on the health and rights of women, girls, and other vulnerable populations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. We believe that every individual has a right to the basic information, technologies, and services needed to enjoy a healthy and safe sexual and reproductive life free from coercion and preventable illness.
CHANGE’s mandate is based on the premise that it is the responsibility of US organizations, connected to US constituencies, to foster accountability of our government's policies abroad. Our overarching goal is to ensure that US international policies and programs promote sexual and reproductive rights and health through effective, evidence-based approaches to prevention and treatment of critical reproductive and sexual health concerns, and through increased funding for critical programs.
Our publications are categorized according to the following topics:
- Expanding choices
- Gender-based violence
- HIV and STIs
- Health sector reform.