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DisAbled Women’s Network Ontario (DAWN Ontario)

DAWN Ontario

DAWN Ontario is the only provincial, feminist cross-disability organization in Ontario, Canada, providing leadership in advocating for Inclusion and Equality of Women with DisAbilities. They:

  • work at the grassroots level to generate knowledge, information and skills to secure the inclusion of women and girls with disabilities.

  • strive to develop inclusive outreach strategies to reduce the social isolation experienced by marginalized women's communities.

  • address the systemic issues that impact on the social and economic realities of women and girls with disabilities.

Their publications include:

DAWN Ontario's Annotated Bibliography and A Statement of Need re: Violence Against Women With Disabilities:
This project was an interactive needs assessment used to determine what information is available for consumers of service, service providers and family members in respect to understanding or assisting Women with disAbilities having to deal with a variety of circumstances such as abuse, violence, neglect, or access to services which are appropriate.

YOU DESERVE TO BE SAFE - A Guide For Girls With Disabilities
A resource guide was produced by DisAbled Women's Network (DAWN) Ontario

MEDIA KIT: Tips on How to Use the Media Effectively
Writing Effective Letters to the Editor
Writing and Publishing an Op-Ed
Taking Action to the Airwaves