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INSA-India (International Services Association-India) is a registered NGO in Bangalore, India. INSA was founded in 1982 with a vision of enabling health and development in emerging nations and to achieve Health for All in India.

In 1988, HIV prevention was integrated into INSA-India’s trainers’ program on Community Health and Development. Recognizing that HIV prevention education cannot take place in a vacuum, INSA-India began the process of integrating this education into existing frameworks. In 1991, an independent program introduced HIV prevention into educational institutions for students in Bangalore and youth in Tibetan resettlement colonies.

INSA-India strongly believes that collaboration and partnership form the key to HIV/AIDS prevention and care programs. INSA-India identified a team of 33 “Core Group Members” or “Implementing Agents” (subsequently referred to as PAH CATS - Promoting Adolescent Health Core AIDS Trainers in Schools) in 15 states. They implement HIV prevention programs for adolescents, both through the formal school structure and non-formal schools.

INSA-India has collaborated with Ipas and ICW-Namibia in offering HIV and reproductive rights training at international AIDS conferences as well.