©2001 Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs,
Courtesy of Photoshare
Ipas has worked for three decades to increase women's ability to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights and to reduce deaths and injuries of women from unsafe abortion. Ipas's global and country programs include training, research, advocacy, distribution of equipment and supplies for reproductive-health care, and information dissemination. In the field of HIV/AIDS, they have done a consultancy for the World Health Organization on pregnancy termination and HIV/AIDS and they collaborated with EngenderHealth and UNFPA in drafting a policy framework for addressing the reproductive health of HIV-positive women and girls.
Ipas has published two literature reviews on reproductive health issues that have been neglected in the context of HIV/AIDS, as well as a tool http://www.ipas.org/publications/en/MDGHIV_E06_en.pdf for NGOs and associations of HIV-positive people to monitor progress toward meeting reproductive health needs of HIV-positive women in the context of the Millennium Development Goals. A report on the pilot testing of the tool is available. Currently, they are refining a workshop for HIV-positive women, NGOs and policymakers on understanding and claiming reproductive rights.