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©2005 Esther Braud, Courtesy of Photoshare


ATHENA at the Toronto AIDS Conference

A guide to ATHENA activities at the conference as of 31 July can be downloaded here. Updates will be added below.

The ATHENA Network has been commissioned by the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS to produce a guide to all gender and women-related sessions at the Toronto Conference. Download the guide here

ATHENA was asked to co-lead the women’s networking zone at the Global Village together with the Blueprint Coalition.Even if you are not at the conference itself, you can join the conversations and stay up to date on what is happening at the Zone by joining this list-serve:

The Blueprint for Action on Women and HIV/AIDS Coalition produced a Manifesto in English and French on the needs of women affected by HIV/AIDS for distribution at the conference; they are also preparing a background document to accompany the Manifesto.

ATHENA is co-sponsoring a Women’s & Girls Rally & March on Monday, 14 August, starting at 7:00 a.m. Download the flyer in English, French and Spanish and the map showing where the rally will be held.

Satellite meetings and affiliated events

Making the Connection: HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Meeting organized by the government of Canada (Health Canada, Canadian International Development Agency, Foreign Affairs Canada), Care Canada, IPPF, UNFPA, WHO and ATHENA members ACPD and ICW
12 August, 9:00-15:00, Marriott Hotel, Forest Hill Ballroom, 90 Bloor Street East.

Strategies for the South: Building Synergies in HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Organizers: International Women’s AIDS Caucus/FEIM
Supported by: IAS
13 August, 14:45-16:45, Skills-building room 4

Estrategias para el sur: Construyendo sinergias en VIH/SIDA y derechos de salud sexual y reproductivo
Organiza: International Women's AIDS Caucus/FEIM
Apoyado por: IAS
13 de agosto, 14:45-16:45 Skills-building Aula 4

“Is US AIDS Policy Undermining the HIV Response?”
Convenors: AIDS Policy Watch, United Kingdom; CHANGE, USA; International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO)
13 August, 14:45-16:45, Level 100, Session Room 11

Women’s Rights and HIV/AIDS
Organizers: ActionAid International, the African Women Development Fund, Open Society Initiatives for Southern Africa and the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).
14 August, 07:00–8:30, Skills Building Room 5

Press Conference: “New Directions for US global AIDS prevention policy: A critique and a way forward”

Co-sponsors: CHANGE, ICASO
14 August, 11:00, Press Conference Room, Media Centre, Level 300 (ground level), MTCC North Building

Women, HIV/AIDS, & human rights workshop series
Gender, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS seminar

Speakers include: Maria de Bruyn (Ipas) on Reproductive decision-making and living with HIV: challenges, dilemmas, discrimination
Organizers: International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Programme, University of Toronto; ATHENA as partner
14 August, 17:00-19:00, Flavelle House, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, 78 Queen's Park
Information and registration available at:

Engendering National HIV/AIDS Programming: Accountability and Accelerated Delivery for Women.

Organizer: United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).
14 August, 18:00 – 20:00, Skills Building Room 3

Survival of the 'fittest' local NGO in times of HIV/AIDS
Florence Jasmine David, Program Director Administration of INSA India, will be one of four speakers on "Enabling a positive workplace environment: The INSA India experience"
15 August, 18:00-20:00, Session Room 12.

“Revising the ABC to meet the demands of today’s epidemic: ‘Two steps forward, one step back’”
Organizer: IPPF; speakers include Jodi Jacobson (CHANGE)
16 August, 7:00-8:30, Skills Building Room 7

Press Conference: "Prevention Now! A Global Campaign to Expand Access to Female Condoms to Stem the Spread of HIV"
Convenor: CHANGE
16 August, 15:00, Press Conference Room, Media CentreLevel300 (ground level), MTCC North Building

Women, HIV/AIDS, & human rights workshop series
Human rights advocacy & accountability
Speakers include: Elisa Slattery (CRR) on “Lessons learned from international reproductive rights litigation” and Janet Walsh (HRW) on
“Human rights documentation challenges: example of women's inheritance rights”
Organizer: International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Programme, University of Toronto; ATHENA as partner
16 August, 17:00-19:00, Flavelle House, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, 78 Queen's Park
Information and registration available at:

Press Conference: "New Findings on the Impact of US Prostitution Loyalty Oath on HIV Prevention"
Conveners: CHANGE, ICASO, Network of Sex Workers Project (NSWP)
17 August, 14:00, Press Conference Room, Media Centre, Level 300 (ground level), MTCC North Building

Building a Movement – Does HIV Testing Policy Matter?

Organizer: ATHENA
17 August, 16.15-17.15, Women’s Networking Zone

Poster presentations, 12:30-2:00 p.m.

The global response to women and HIV/AIDS: A rights based critique
Tyler Crone, Yale University
14 August, 12:30-14:00, poster MOPEO949

NGOs assessing progress towards MDGs in the context of HIV-positive women’s lives
Maria de Bruyn, Ipas and other NGOs including FEIM and ICW
14 August, 12:30-14:00, poster MOPE0982, level 800, South Building

Oral presentations

A model for interactive community dialogues to address gender discrimination, violence against women, and economic inequity

14 August, 10:45-12:15, Global Village – Main Stage

Disclose or disappear: the Impact of disclosure (abstract session)

Violeta Ross (ICW), co-chair
14 August, 11:30-12:00, Session Room 10, Level 100

Peter Busse Memorial “Meet the Plenary Speaker” session
daily, 12:45 – 13:45, Global Village Main Stage

Prevention policies hindering the HIV response

14 August, 14:15-15:45, Global Village Session Hall 1

HIV testing in the era of treatment scale up

Grace Sedio (ICW) presenter
14 August, 14:30, Expanding HIV testing: the point of view of women living with HIV, Session Room 3, Level 800

Blueprint for Action on Women and HIV/AIDS: developing and monitoring women-specific responses to needs for women living with, affected by and at risk for HIV/AIDS

Blueprint for Action on Women and HIV/AIDS in Canada
15 August, 7:00-8:30, Skills Building Room 9

Sexual and reproductive health and rights of people living with HIV
Beri Hull (ICW), co-chair
15 August; 10:45-12:15, Session Room 6, Level 800

Sex work, HIV and politics
ICASO, Stella, Network of Sex Worker Projects, CHANGE, Global AIDS Policy Watch, Internews
15 August, 14:15-15:45, Global Village Session Hall 1

GBV and HIV: making the connection
15 August, 18:00-20:00, Skills Building Room 8

Claiming rights for women in HIV/AIDS
Moderator: Tyler Crone; speakers include Promise Mthembu (ICW), Luisa Cabal (Center for Reproductive Rights)
16 August, 10:45-12:15, Session Room 4, Level 800

Building a shared agenda to address women and HIV/AIDS: from Bangkok to Toronto and beyond
International Women’s AIDS Caucus and ICW-USA
16 August, 13:15-15:45, Global Village Community Dialogue Space

Money Makes a Difference: Monitoring and Accountability of Global AIDS Funding
Speakers include Jodi Jacobson (CHANGE)
17 August, 10:45-12:15, Session Room 4

Engaging Men in Gender Equity and HIV/AIDS
Beri Hull (ICW), co-chair
17 August; 11:00-12:30h

Panel Discussion: Choices for Women: Promoting Investment in Multiple Female Initiated or Controlled HIV Prevention Methods
Convenors: CHANGE, IAVI, Ibis Reproductive Health, Global Campaign for Microbicides
17 August, 14.45-16.15, Women’s Networking Zone, Global Village

Skills-building workshops

Sexual rights and HIV/AIDS: activists working together to impact shifting policies on sexual and reproductive freedom and Safety
14 August, 12:30-14:00, Global Village, Session Hall 1

Comprehensive training for health workers on the sexual and reproductive health rights of HIV-positive women
Facilitator: Promise Mthembu (ICW)
14 August, 11:00-12:30, Skills Building Room 2, Level 200

HIV, sexual & reproductive rights: understanding and claiming rights
Facilitators: Maria de Bruyn (Ipas), Tyler Crone, Nomfundo Eland (TAC), Edwina Pereira (INSA India), Jeni Gatsi (ICW)
16 August; 14:00-15:30 and 16:00-17:30, Skills Building Room 10

Workshop: Be Careful What You Wish For - Donor-Led Efforts to Address Gender-Based Violence

Facilitators: Susana Fried (consultant to Action Aid International) and Jodi Jacobson (CHANGE)
17 August, 10:15-12.00, Women’s Networking Zone, Global Village

Tools and strategies for effectively integrating gender equality principles in HIV/AIDS policies and programmes at the national level
Co-facilitator: Nazneen Damji (UNIFEM)
17 August, 10:45-12:15, Skills Building Room 6, Level 200

Women, HIV/AIDS, & human rights
International Programme on Reproductive and Sexual Health Law, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto

Co-facilitators include: Tyler Crone (ATHENA)
17 August; 10:45-12:15 in English, Skills Building Room 7, Level 200
Information and registration available at:

Women, HIV/AIDS, & human rights Spanish session
Organizer: International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Programme, University of Toronto; ATHENA as partner
Speakers include: Gracia Violeta Ross Quiroga (Bolivian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS), Mabel Bianco (FEIM), Luisa Cabal (CRR)
17 August, 16:00-17:30, Convention Center, SBR 7
Information and registration available at:

PMTCT: meeting the needs of moms and babies
Co-chair: Lydia Mungherera
17 August, 14:15-15:45, Session Room 11, Level 100