Webcast from the High Level Meeding on AIDS
7 June 2023 - New York City, USA
The ATHENA Network and the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (GCWA) initiated a global virtual consultation with regional partners in order to ensure the broadest possible engagement and representation of women (and girls wherever possible) in the processes leading up to the UN High Level Meeting on AIDS in June 2011 – especially women living with and affected by HIV, and other key populations of women, who often lack platforms for priority issues to be raised and heard.
On June 7, 2011, the report was launched at a an event preceding the High Level Meeting on AIDS. The event featured a panel opened by HRE Paul Kagame of Rwanda, the Prime Minister of St. Maarten, Michel Sidibé, and Michelle Bachelet. The Minister of Gender and Development of Liberia, Frika Chia Iskandar, Ebony Johnson, Alicia Keys, and Annie Lennox were then part of a dialogue moderated by Stephanie Nolen.
Please visit the Document Centre for documents from the High Level Meeting
REFLECTIONS FROM ICASA 2011: A crossroads for achieving sexual and reproductive health through the HIV response
Please click on this link for the full report
At ICASA 2011 we witnessed women’s strength in numbers and were able to bring forward a strong and powerful African women’s voice, but the challenges of asserting and keeping women on the "mainstream" agenda continue. Moreover, the challenge of debating, engaging, and advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights for women and young women in all of our diversity in the context of HIV from the perspectives and priorities of those most affected by HIV remains.
The ICASA community-driven forums (such as the Women’s Networking Zone jointly convened by the ATHENA Network, National Network of Positive Women Ethiopians, the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, and the Southern African AIDS Trust) had young women leaders – women living with HIV – and women in all of our diversity both leading and participating in sessions. Yet, in the formal ICASA sessions, young women, women living with HIV and other key populations continued to be sidelined from speaking with their own voice and sharing their own expertise.