The Women's Networking Zone (WNZ) at AIDS 2012: Washington, D.C.

For the Women’s Networking Zone at AIDS 2012 (22-27 July), ATHENA actively built a broad consortium of partners as part of the MAKE WOMEN COUNT! campaign to bridge together women’s global and national organizing around the upcoming International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC.

The WNZ Partnership in Washington, DC

The WNZ, while coordinated by the ATHENA Network, operates on the principle of local engagement, ownership, and leadership. Specifically, we worked in close partnership with the ICW North America, ICW Global, and the U.S. Positive Women’s Network to strengthen women’s organizing around AIDS 2012 along with a growing global consortium.

Building Linkages to Local Community

Working with partners in Washington, DC, we sought to make links to networks, organizations, and community groups based locally to ensure their full and meaningful involvement in: developing an agenda and program for the WNZ@AIDS 2012; showcasing their work; prioritizing key issues for local women; commissioning relevant artwork and developing messages; and, ensuring the full and meaningful representation of women and girls in all their diversity.

Click here to view the WNZ 2012 schedule of events and click here to view a video about WNZ 2012

ALQ/Mujeres Adelante Coverage of AIDS 2012

During each International AIDS Conference, the AIDS Legal Network publishes a daily newsletter from the conference venue that focuses on the rights and needs of women living with HIV. Articles include interviews, responses to individual sessions, and reflections on the role and voice of women (particularly women living with HIV) within the conference.

In June 2012, the AIDS Legal Network published a special ‘pre-conference’ edition of the ALQ/Mujeres Adelante leading up to the start of AIDS 2012. This issue focuses on women’s rights and HIV, and portrays some of the realities, risks and needs of women and girls in various contexts and locations. The various articles explore the extent to which progress has been made in ‘realising’ women’s rights in the context of and in the response to HIV, with a particular focus on accessing services and programmes; and highlight the many challenges women face when claiming their rights and accessing services.

Please visit the AIDS Legal Network's homepage for daily issues of ALQ/Mujeres Adelante produced during AIDS 2012