ATHENA Membership Rules


  • Membership in the ATHENA Network is open to individuals and entities that support all elements of ATHENA’s mission and are willing to actively support or participate in actions and activities undertaken by the Network as a whole.
  • ATHENA members are publicly acknowledged on the ATHENA website and on all ATHENA public relations materials (as feasible)


  • Supporters publicly endorse all elements of ATHENA’s mission by having their names published on the ATHENA website.
  • Supporters do not make a commitment to actively participate in actions and activities undertaken by the Network as a whole.

How To Join

Individuals and organizations can become ATHENA Network members or supporters by sending an e-mail with the following information to:

  • Full name and e-mail address
  • Organization that you represent, including its mailing address
  • A statement that you endorse the mission of ATHENA, including a commitment to gender equality, and the human rights, including full sexual and reproductive health and rights, of women and girls in all their diversity.

Members are added to the list-serve through which they will receive updates on ATHENA activities, announcements about members’ work and other relevant information.

Our membership rules in different languages are available in the links to the left.