   ATHENA satellite at IAS 2015 - Global Review of Women's Access to HIV treatment

See Also:

Satellite Event, 2015 International AIDS Society Conference - Key barriers to treatment access for women: Making fast track a reality

Women are being reached by HIV/AIDS care and treatment, but are women’s needs being served?

Will achievement of global treatment and retention goals be possible if gender-related and structural barriers to access are not addressed?

Date: Sunday, July 19th, 10:15 AM 12:15 PM
Venue: Vancouver Convention Centre, Room 109
1055 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC, V6C 0C3 Canada

Please join us as UN Women, UNAIDS, AVAC, Salamander Trust and ATHENA Network present preliminary findings from a Global Review of Women’s Access to HIV Treatment and speakers explore key strategies to address barriers to treatment.

Ms. Martha Tholanah, Founder, Network of Zimbabwean Positive Women, Chair, ICW Global, Global Reference group member
Ms. Lilian Mworeko, Regional Coordinator ICW-East Africa
Dr. Alice Welbourn, Salamander Trust Founding Director;
Dr. Badara Samb, Chief of Global Outreach & Special Initiatives, UNAIDS;
Dr. Tamil Kendall, Director for Women & Maternal Health, Ministry of Health, British Columbia, Canada;
Moderator: Nazneen Damji, Policy Advisor, Gender Equality, HIV & Health, UN Women