   #WhatWomenWant Campaign and Consultation

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#WhatWomenWant Campaign

The #WhatWomenWant campaign was launched in May 2016 in partnership with women's civil society, to amplify women's voices, highlight our realities, and power our solutions. It grew from the momentum of the Twitter Rally at the 60th Commission on the Status of Women, when feminist and women's rights activists united to call for change, and began the #WhatWomenWant revolution with a focus on the Political Declaration of the High Level Meeting on AIDS, to ensure that international agreements and commitments are implemented. It will continue to bridge women into policies, practices, and interventions to improve our lives at the International AIDS Conference in Durban and beyond.

The campaign engages activists and advocates in social media advocacy across issues of gender equality, HIV, gender based violence, women's rights, and sexual and reproductive health and rights for women in all of our diversity, to advance an agenda that works for all of us. Read the Storify summaries of past Twitter Chats on Strengthening Women's Civil Society, Young Women's Leadership, and Accountability. We want to amplify the visions, perspectives, and rights of all women and girls, to end HIV as a public health emergency and to fulfill our greatest potential.

Women and young women in all of their diversity know what is needed to bring about change in our lives. #WhatWomenWant is:

  • interlinked strategies to achieve gender equality and improve women’s and girl’s health and rights placed at the center of the HIV response.
  • sustained investment in women-led civil society, women-centered and women-led research, and young women’s leadership.
  • urgent action to address the HIV epidemic among women, especially young women, in all our diversity.
  • full sexual and reproductive health and rights and the means to realize and enjoy them.
  • safety from violence at home, work and school, in the community, and in health settings.
  • a meaningful seat at decision-making tables and the resources to create our own.
  • to be educated, empowered and equal in all areas of our lives.

Below is just a snapshot of the over 5,000 tweets and messages that have emerged to call for action on gender equality and addressing the HIV epidemic among women and young women in all of their diversity. While this virtual conversation has taken place in different corners of the globe, and across the spectrum of identities, the resounding cry for women and girls to be in charge of their lives, their health, and their rights must urgently be answered by global leaders. Join us today! Visit the #WhatWomenWant website, and tag us @NetworkATHENA on Twitter or find us on Facebook to share your message.
