ATHENA Network June 2020 Update
Dear sisters, allies, friends, and partners,
We recognize that 2020 has taken a rough turn in the past months. For this, we want to recognize the power of community. We hope that you are staying safe, taking care of yourselves, spreading love, finding safe spaces, solidarity in community and healing in these tough and uncertain times. Our interconnectedness and solidarity to each other is important now more than ever as the pandemic exerts more strain on our families, movements, communities, countries, and world.
COVID19 is more than a public health emergency- it is a public health emergency that will be a long-term crisis for global health, gender equality, human rights, and the overall health and well-being of generations to come.The unprecedented global scope and scale of this pandemic is a vivid reminder of the interconnected, interdependent realities of our world. Now more than ever the importance of uniting across sectors, issues and generations to build a healthier, more gender equal future is clear
As we all continue to adjust to the toll that COVID19 pandemic is having on our daily lives, our ability to work, and our capacity to advance health, realize human rights, and achieve gender equality, we want to recognize, reflect, share and celebrate the milestones already scored and the success we are proud of from the start of what will be a monumental year in the history of human existence.